DMCSTRT The DMCSTRT program is used to restore a saved configuration from native DOS ,is used as an alternative to WMCSTRT, and MUST be used if PC Tools for Windows is the Window's shell. If you plan on using DMCSTRT, then you should remove WMCSTRT from the Windows Start-up group. If there are active configuration entries when DMCSTRT runs, DMCSTRT will display a configuration selection window. If there are no active configuration entries when DMCSTRT runs, DMCSTRT will end without displaying a configuration selection window. DMCSTRT will accept two command line switches: "/aa" and "/r". Switch "/a" specifies which configuration entry to use, where 'aa' specifies a saved configuration entry. Saved configuration entries are numbered from 0 to 99, for configurations 0 to 9, just enter the one digit, i.e. do not enter a leading 0. This is useful if you have MS-DOS Version 6 and use its multiple DOS configurations capability. Switch "/r" causes DMCSTRT to refresh the Windows desktop with the current active configuration. The refresh may be needed due to accidental deletion of a group. Previously, you would have had to switched to another configuration then switched back to refresh the Windows desktop. The "/aa" and "/r" switches should never be specified at the same time. !!!IMPORTANT!!!! Before using DMCSTRT, you must issue the following commands from the DOS prompt: SET WMCPATH=xxx (where xxx is the drive and directory of WMC executables.) SET WMCWINPATH=yyy (where yyy is the drive and directory of Windows.) Example: SET WMCPATH=C:\WMC.V70 SET WMCWINPATH=C:\WINDOWS You may want to put this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, so it is issued every time DOS is started. DMCSTRT Main Window The main window of the DMCSTRT program allows the selection of a configuration entry to use from up to 100, previously-saved configuration entries. The active configuration entry has its text box background color different than the other seven entrys' background color. Pressing ENTER, on any of the active entries will restore that configuration. If an entry is password protected, a prompt for the password is done. If the password entered is correct, then the configuration entry is restored. A total of three trys are allowed to enter the correct current password for the configuration entry. If the "Inactive entries visible on WMCSTRT window" is on, all entries are displayed, even inactive ones. Clicking on inactive entries has no effect. If the "Inactive entries visible on WMCSTRT window" flag is off, only active entries are displayed. Examples: To run DMCSTRT, type from the DOS command prompt: DMCSTRT To automatically select configuration 0, type from the DOS command prompt: DMCSTRT /0 To automatically select configuration 76, type from the DOS command prompt: DMCSTRT /76 To automatically refresh Windows with the current active configuration, type from the DOS command prompt: DMCSTRT /r Changing the Active Entry color To change the Active Entry color from its default of yellow, do the following: Edit "jreWMC.INI" in the WMC directory -- this can be done using Notepad Add "Hibcolor=????" somewhere after the [Win_Multi_Config] line ???? stands for one of these values: Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan White Any other value for ???? will cause the default color of yellow to be used. Save "jreWMC.INI" and run DMCSTRT, WMCSAVE, or WMCSTRT to see the new color.